Running Raisins

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We're running for the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation and child mental health!

Children in our community need us more than ever — that's why we have signed up for the RBC Race for the Kids to raise much-needed funds that will support our youth.

This year’s RBC Race for the Kids will bring us back together at Heritage Park to help children who struggle with mental health challenges - the single-largest health problem facing young people in Canada today. Calgary's new Centre for Child & Adolescent Mental Health opens this fall, and your support will help fund important programs and research that will help kids now and for generations to come.

Learn more about the Centre and its programs, resources and research at

We're hoping you will show your support by making a donation to our team. Together, we can make such a difference for kids who need help. We will keep you updated on our fundraising progress and if you're inspired by our efforts, please register and join us!


Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Liv Wreford


Alice Monty

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